Current statistics show that there are 190 million tweets per day and approximately 70 billion pieces of content shared on Facebook every month. Google+ estimates that 5 million people use the +1 button on a daily basis. More than 500 tweets per minute contain a link to a YouTube video and Tumblr owners publish around 27,778 blog posts every 24 hours.

Considering there is so much content in the world, how on earth do users get noticed? Is there a way to crack the marketing code?

Believe it or not, there are actually five simple tricks geared toward marketing your business via social networking so that your social shares go through the roof.

The Top 5 Hacks, Broken Down

Pre-Schedule Posts

According to Buffer, the optimal amount of tweets per hour equal out to between 1 and 4. For Facebook, they claim no more than one post per day will do. Make your life easier and schedule the posts ahead of time so that you can get on to what really matters — advertising your business.

Extend Your Network

Taking the time to extend your network is a necessity in today’s fast-paced market. Join Twitter chats, use S4S techniques, the Flutter App, and drive leads and traffic to your website and landing pages via social shares. Extending your network also allows you to build relationships with new and return customers or influencers you want to reach.

Engage with your audience

Sharing content helps you to engage with users around you which, in turn, facilitates trust and more engagement. Research shows that sharing posts on Thursdays and Fridays via Facebook bring back the most return.

Use Tags, Geotags and Hashtags

Tags, hashtags and geotags are calling cards for your social media platform. Use them and watch the followers find you. To learn more about these resources, check out a Twitter chat — typically held once a week. Session topics include: #SocialChat — Mondays 9pm ET, #BlogElevated — Mondays 10pm ET, and #MediaChat — Thursdays 10pm ET.

Use Images Optimized for All Social Media Platforms

Sharing photos on Facebook is known to improve engagement by 39% vs. text-based posts. Optimizing the images being used across social media channels will limit lag time when specifications aren’t met properly for a seamless transfer of data. Post to Facebook, connect that account to Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube and you’re well on your way to becoming a social influencer yourself.

With more than 72% of all internet users actively scouring social media on a daily basis, it’s no wonder we need a few social sharing hacks to cut through the noise. Now you have them!

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